R. Sharath Jois in Copenhagen 2023
Thank you for your cooperation and supporting us in making this workshop in Copenhagen 5 days of Yoga and Community.
We have still no definite news regarding Sharathji´s visa application.
Please be patient and we will soon contact each one of you regarding the refunds.
It is with great joy and honour that we can welcome Sharathji to Copenhagen again next Summer.
He will teach a 5 days workshop from Friday 11th till Tuesday 15th of August with a conference Saturday afternoon.
You can meet Sharathji as a beginner, experienced and advanced practitioner on the classes as he will lead us all through the practice in his both energetic and calm style.
The booking is open and you can order your t-shirt as well!

Saturday afternoon conference at 4pm.
The schedule will be classes for everybody starting 7am till Tuesday.
We are so sorry for this most unfortunate situation but grateful to all of you coming anyway.
Thursday Update:
Again today we have been in contact with the Danish embassy and the visa department in Copenhagen, still dont have answer regarding Sharathji’s visa.
Everybody will get a refund, as you have already been informed by email.
Tuesday: The visa application is taken much longer than we had experienced before and without any information from the embassy till today when we were told that a decision should come this week.
We are therefore still hopefull that Sharathji will be arriving to start the workshop Friday or maybe be a few days delayed.
We know how you all have been looking forward to meet him and are sad about this situation. Better to inform you now, however incomplete so you can make your arrangements in case he will not make it to Copenhagen.
A general email has been sent out, please contact us if you did not receive it.
More news as soon as we know.
Saturday morning everybody starts 7am and the class will be combined mysore and led.
Saturday afternoon conference at 4pm.
The schedule will be classes for everybody starting 7am till Tuesday.
We are so sorry for this most unfortunate situation but grateful to all of you coming anyway.
Thursday Update:
Again today we have been in contact with the Danish embassy and the visa department in Copenhagen, still dont have answer regarding Sharathji’s visa.
Everybody will get a refund, as you have already been informed by email.
Tuesday: The visa application is taken much longer than we had experienced before and without any information from the embassy till today when we were told that a decision should come this week.
We are therefore still hopefull that Sharathji will be arriving to start the workshop Friday or maybe be a few days delayed.
We know how you all have been looking forward to meet him and are sad about this situation. Better to inform you now, however incomplete so you can make your arrangements in case he will not make it to Copenhagen.
A general email has been sent out, please contact us if you did not receive it.
More news as soon as we know.

Sharathji will start his Europa tour in London, and then we will be hosting him in Copenhagen the week after. All cities and dates on Sharthjoistour.eu
Next stop will be a full week in Stockholm, and for the first time Sharathji will after be going to Rome, where Susanna and her team will host him for a 4 days workshop! Information Rome
Finally he will teach a full week workshop in Madrid the first week of September.
Sharath Jois is the master of Astanga yoga, who we respectfully call Sharathji. He teaches hundreds of students at his center, SYC, in Mysore every year, as they travel from all over the world to come and study with him – and now you can meet him in Copenhagen.
He is the most advanced practitioner of Astanga Yoga in the world with regular practice of all 6 series of āsana.
In 2015 R. Sharath Jois was by the sādhus in the holy city of Uttarkashi, India, bestowed with the title Paramaguru. They in this way expressed their respect for him as the current bearer of the Astanga yoga tradition and lineage holder of teachers, guruparamparā.
We are looking forward to meeting you all again soon. Yoga is family!
Susanna Finocchi & Jens Bache
Astanga Yoga of Copenhagen
atha yogānuśāsanam